As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, gifts to NECH-CIEH are tax deductible. We take great pride in monitoring and transparency to ensure that every penny we receive goes toward its intended purpose. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about how our donations are managed.

  • Our payroll is lean: Our Executive Director, chief operating officer, public relations and social media staff all work pro bono. In keeping with our commitment to building an accountable, nurse-led community organization, the nursing professionals who receive modest salaries from NECH-CIEH are Haitians living in Haiti.
  • Our board is committed: Unlike most not-for-profit organizations, who typically recruit board members because of their fund-raising abilities, NECH-CIEH made a deliberate decision to recruit board members based on their professional background and demonstrated commitment to our mission of developing transformative nursing leadership in Haiti. Our all-volunteer board is composed of nursing professionals and lay administrators from Haiti, Canada and the US who represent a diversity of expertise in nursing leadership, education, and global public health.
  • Our employees are reliable: NECH-CIEH works only with suppliers and service providers who have proven both trustworthy and competent. Each member of our core management team is personally accountable and responsible for all monies from source to final use. Furthermore, we work with an accountant who specializes in advising small not-for-profit organizations, who provides careful oversight and guidance.
  • Our distribution networks are secure: We do not ship any goods or materials unless we are able to closely monitor and control the process by which they are received and stored. For example, smaller shipments may travel in suitcases with our core team on their trips to Haiti. Large shipments, such as pallets of hand hygiene supplies, have been shipped at no cost by the non-profit Partners in Health supply chain along with DaVita Village Trust dialysis supplies and picked up by NECH-CIEH at the Partners in Health warehouse in Haiti.
  • We have multiple funding sources: NECHCIEH seeks support from both individuals and organizations, including foundations, universities and corporate donors, and we accept monetary donations, in-kind contributions, and consulting support.

Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns about how your donation to NECH-CIEH will be spent.